Time/Frequency grids

Sparse grid utilities for IR and Chebyshev representations

Sparse grid utilities for IR and Chebyshev representations

Essential contents for a temperature-independent sparse grid

  • stats: Bose or Fermi statistics.
  • xgrid: Real space grid points in $x \in (-1, 1)$.
  • ngrid: Frequency space grid points in Matsubara indices $n$, such that $\omega_n = (2n+\zeta)\pi/\beta$.
  • wgrid: Frequency space grid points assuming $\beta=1$.
  • uxl: Transformation matrix from the basis representation l to real space grid points x.
  • ulx: Inverse of uxl.
  • u1l_pos: Basis representation for $x=+1$.
  • u1l_neg: Basis representation for $x=-1$.
  • uwl: Transformation matrix from the basis representation l to frequency space grid points w.
  • ulw: Inverse of uwl.
  • metadata: Group for representation-depend information, for example:
    • For Chebyshev: ncoeff for maximum number of coefficients.
    • For IR: lambda for dimensionless cutoff $\Lambda$, ncoeff for maximum number of coefficients.

Directory structure

  • python/sparse_grid/: python code for generating and parsing sparse grid data.
    • python/sparse_grid/ir/: IR-specific code.
    • python/sparse_grid/chebyshev/: Chebyshev-specific code.
    • python/sparse_grid/repn.py: Common module interface for representations.
    • python/generate.py: Script for generating HDF5 archives.
  • c++/: C++ interface for loading and representing sparse grid data.
    • green/grids/: Public headers.
  • data/: Pre-generated data files.
  • examples: Usage examples.


  • Python:
    • Hiroshi’s sparse_ir
    • numpy, scipy, h5py, mpmath, …
  • C++:
    • Green/h5pp: for compatibility with h5py
    • Green/ndarrays: for compatibility with numpy.ndarray
    • Green/params: for comandline parameters