NCSA Delta

Installation on NCSA Delta

Load necessary modules

 module load PrgEnv-gnu/8.4.0 cuda/12.3.0 cray-hdf5 cray-python cray-pmi

The following modules will be loaded:

  1) cue-login-env/1.0   3) default-s11       5) craype/2.7.23        7) cray-mpich/8.1.28     9) PrgEnv-gnu/8.4.0    11) cray-python/3.11.5  13) cuda/12.3.0
  2) slurm-env/0.1       4) gcc-native/12.2   6) craype-network-ofi   8) cray-libsci/23.12.5  10) cray-hdf5/  12) libfabric/1.13.1    14) cray-pmi/6.1.13

Install Eigen

 bzcat eigen-3.4.0.tar.bz2 | tar -x
 cmake -B eigen-build -S eigen-3.4.0 --install-prefix <install/directory/for/eigen> \
 cmake --build eigen-build/ -j 32 -t install

Here we download the latest version of the Eigen library and install it into the <install/directory/for/eigen> directory.

Download Green Many-Body framework and create build directory

 git clone

Build code

 cmake -S green-mbpt -B green-mbpt-build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install/directory/for/GREEN> \
 cmake --build green-mbpt-build -j 8
 cmake --build green-mbpt-build -t test

Here we configure the Green package to use a custom GPU kernel and to be installed into the <install/directory/for/GREEN> directory. After the build is finished, we run tests to check that Green package was built successfully (please note that the GPU test will fail as there is no CUDA-enabled device available on a login node).

Install code

 cmake --install green-mbpt-build

Green will be installed into the directory specified during the build stage. To change the installation location, provide a path to a new location with the --prefix parameter.